Minimalistic style demo

This is the demo of Custom Facebook Friend chooser using the minimalistic styling css.

You can very easily change the appearence of Facebook Friend Chooser just by editing the CSS

Inline Chooser Demo with custom submit button

function loadInlineChooser(){
        display: "inline",
        max: 3,
        showSubmit: false,
        onSubmit: function(users) { alertSelected(users); }
function alertSelected(users) {
    if(users.length) {
        var text = "You selected following friends: \n";
        for(i in users) text += users[i] + "\n";
    } else {
        alert("No friends selected");    

Inline chooser output

Popup Chooser Demo

function loadPopupChooser(){
        display: "popup",
            onSubmit: function(users) { alertSelected(users); }

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